Understanding the Form Response Record in 3B Forms v4 In

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In the realm of 3B Forms v4, the Form Response record plays a pivotal role in capturing and managing the data submitted through your forms. This record provides valuable insights into user interactions and serves as a repository for essential information. In this article, we'll explore the various fields that constitute a Form Response record and shed light on its significance in the form-building process.

Anatomy of a Form Response Record

A Form Response record in 3B Forms v4 is a rich data entity that encapsulates a wealth of information about the form's lifecycle. Let's break down the fields that make up this record, along with some sample values to illustrate their importance:

  • b3f__Account__c: This field establishes a connection with an associated Account record, providing contextual information.
  • b3f__Browser__c: It captures the user's browser, enhancing your understanding of the technology used during form submission (e.g., Chrome).
  • b3f__Browser_Version__c: This field complements the browser information by specifying the version (e.g.,
  • b3f__Contact__c: Similar to the Account field, this connects to a related Contact record, adding depth to your data.
  • b3f__Data_Version_ID__c: It holds a unique identifier for data versioning purposes, ensuring data integrity (e.g., 0683X00000vWLU9QAO).
  • b3f__Error_Type__c: A picklist field that categorizes the type of error encountered during submission (e.g., Database, Console etc).
  • b3f__ErrorMessage__c: A text area for recording error messages if any issues arose during the form submission.
  • b3f__Fatal_Bug__c: A boolean field indicating whether a fatal bug occurred during the form interaction (e.g., false).
  • b3f__Form__c: This field links to the specific form associated with the Form Response, establishing a connection between the response and the form itself.
  • b3f__Form_Live_Duration__c: It tracks the duration of the form's active state (e.g., 5 Minutes).
  • b3f__Full_Navigator__c: Captures comprehensive browser and system details (e.g., Mozilla/5.0...).
  • b3f__IPAddress__c: Records the user's IP address during form submission (e.g.,
  • b3f__LastUpdateTime__c: A datetime field specifying the last update time of the Form Response (e.g., 2023-09-18T15:40:49.000+0000).
  • b3f__Main_Record_DML_Operation__c: It denotes the primary DML operation associated with the main record (e.g., N/A).
  • b3f__New_Record_ID__c: This text field holds the ID of the created/updated context object. It plays a crucial role in linking the Form Response to the relevant context record.
  • b3f__Operating_System__c: Captures the user's operating system details (e.g., Mac OS (10.15.7)).
  • b3f__Package_Version__c: Indicates the version of the 3B Forms package used (e.g., 4.4).
  • b3f__Preview_Submission__c: Provides a link for previewing form submissions.
  • b3f__Screen_Size__c: Records the screen size during form interaction (e.g., 2507x1415).
  • b3f__StartTime__c: Specifies the start time of the form interaction (e.g., 2023-09-18T15:40:49.000+0000).
  • b3f__System_Details__c: Combines browser, browser version, operating system, and screen size for comprehensive system information.
  • b3f__Type__c: A required picklist field that categorizes the Form Response type as DRAFT, COMPLETE, or FAIL.

The Lifecycle of a Form Response

The Form Response record is created when a form is initially opened and submitted by a user. The b3f__Type__c field is automatically set based on the form's status:

  • DRAFT: The default state when a form is opened but not yet submitted.
  • COMPLETE: Indicates a successful form submission.
  • FAIL: Reflects an error in the submission process.

One remarkable feature is the b3f__New_Record_ID__c field, which holds the record ID of the created/updated context object. This ID is critical for associating the Form Response with the corresponding context record. A database trigger automates the linkage, streamlining the process without additional configuration. For instance, if you want to view form responses for forms built on the Opportunity object, you only need to add a new Lookup field from Form Response to Opportunity. The automation takes care of the rest, linking form responses to the Opportunity records seamlessly.

Data Retention and Files

Each form has two associated files: Form_Response.json and Form_Data.json. These files should not be deleted, as they hold the JSON representation of the submitted data. Furthermore, all files submitted through a form are linked to both the Form Response and the contextual record, providing a comprehensive record of form interactions.

In summary, the Form Response record is a cornerstone of 3B Forms v4, capturing and organizing crucial data about form interactions. Its fields, data retention, and automated linkage to context records simplify the process of tracking and analyzing user interactions with your forms. Understanding the Form Response record empowers you to harness the full potential of 3B Forms for data collection and management.