My Documents Component


This component renders a number of documents based on the document assignments for a given contact user.

3B Portals Compatibility

This component is fully compatible with 3B Portals



Drag and drop the component on any page. You can customize the component properties from the Traits Manager.

Visualforce Pages

You can embed the user-documents component in a Visualforce Page using the following syntax:

<!-- Load Supporting Components and Global Functions -->
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__GeneralUtils, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>

<!-- This Component -->
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__MyDocuments, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>


    const globals = {
        sessionId: '{!GETSESSIONID()}',
        siteUrl: '{!$Site.baseUrl}',
        useREST: false,
        router: b3o.GlobalRemotingRouter
    window['globals'] = globals;

External Websites

You can embed the user-documents component in a wordpress/custom sites using the following syntax:

<!-- Make sure to point the beginning of the URL to your guest site endpoint -->
<!-- Load Supporting Components and Global Functions -->
<script src=".../b3o__GeneralUtils/index.js" defer="true" type="module"></script>

<!-- This Component -->
<script src=".../b3o__MyDocuments/index.js" defer="true" type="module"></script>


    const globals = {
        siteUrl: '.../Onboarding/',
        useREST: true
    window['globals'] = globals;



user-id - this is the contact id. Required

app-id - this is a contextual application id. If provided, we will render only the documents linked to the contextual application.

doc-pack-id - this is the document pack id. If provided, will render only the documents associated with that document pack. If the contact doesn't have a document assignment for the provided document pack, then we will create a new one. If app-id is also provided, the new document assignment will be linked to the application record

URL Params

userId or just id - the contact id

appId or applicationId - the application record id

dpId or docPackId - the document pack id

Notice that attributes will always override URL params and you can mix and match