Changelog 3B CLM v4.20
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- 3B Docs gets a facelift
- 3B Docs should now load faster. We are caching Styles, Functions and Formatters. Make sure to clear cache while developing a new template to get the latest of these metadata items
- Added support to reject 3B Doc template - a timestamp will be updated on the Document Trace and the "Status" field will read "Rejected"
- Added support to reject 3B Sign document - a timestamp will be updated on the Submitter and the "Status" field will read "Rejected"
- Added "Previous" button to 3B Sign and 3B Docs when completing a template/document that requires a signature
- We are now saving the signature BASE64 and Path Value to two new fields on the Document Trace in 3B Docs
- When a Doc Template/Sign Document is completed, the "Download" button will either print the screen or will download the generated PDF (if it has been generated by the async PDF service)
- Improved Signing experience for both Sign and Templates
- Mobile experience improvements for Docs and Sign
- Previously, when a 3B Sign template was submitted, the fields weren't getting locked during the submission
- Substantially improved stability for 3B Docs
- Substantially improved styling for 3B Docs PDFs
- Now, in 3B Docs, the "THIS" keyword is not required when creating a custom style.