Worker Mobile App Definition
The worker mobile app relies on the Component Configuration of the type “Clock In / Out Component” as well as on the Component Loader linked to the created Component Configuration.
The schedulable objects for the worker mobile app are as follows:
- Break (b3s__Break__c) - represents a shift break
- Expense (b3s__Expense__c) - represents an expense item
- Request (b3s__Employee_Request__c) - represents an availability request
- geoTag (b3s__Geo_Tag__c) - represents a location tag for clock in/out
- Invitation (b3s__Invitation__c) - represents a shift invitation
- Shift (b3s__Shift__c) - represents a shift
Global Properties
In addition, the definition has the following global properties (outside the schedulable scope)
"canAddBreaks":true, //whether or not user can create a break
"canAddExpenses":true, //wather or not user can add expenses
"canAddShifts":true, //whether or not user can create shifts
"canAddAvailability":true, //whether or not a user can log availability
"isGPSRequired":true, //whether or not GPS access is required. If set to true, the user MUST grant access to GPS, otherwise, they can't start a shift.
Object Properties
The shift, request and expense schedulables add the following properties
"lookBackLimitDays":14 //How many days in the past to load data for
"lookForwardLimitDays":14 //How many days in the fuure to load data for
The request schedulable introduces the following properties
"typeFieldPath":"b3s__Type__c", //The field responsible for providing the type of the request (available/unavailable)
"canEdit":null, //a selector logic that determines if the request can be edited
"canDelete":null,//a selector logic that determines if the request can be deleted
Conditional Properties
You can request a candidate to complete fields before/after shift start using the actionForms property in the definition:
"schedulable": {
"shift": {
"actionForms": {
"startShift": {
"recordFormFields": [
"labelOverride": "Upload",
"props": {
"placeholder": "Upload File",
"maxFileSize": 1000000
"endShift": {
"recordFormFields": [
"labelOverride": "Upload",
"props": {
"placeholder": "Upload File",
"maxFileSize": 1000000
The geotag schedulable usually doesn’t require any changes. Here’s the base template:
"locationErrorPath": "b3s__Location_Error__c"
The invitations schedulable introduces two conditionals: canAccept and canReject (similar to the timesheet approval schedulable). These conditionals determine when a shift invitation can be accepted or rejected and hide/show the buttons accordingly.
The shift schedulable also has the following:
- canStartShift - requires a selector
- canFinishShift - requires a selector
schedulable: {
shift: {
canStartShift: {
condition: {
allOrSome: 'all',
selectors: [
field: 'Id',
operator: 'isnull',
value: false,
canFinishShift: {
condition: {
allOrSome: 'all',
selectors: [
field: 'Id',
operator: 'isnull',
value: false,
So, if you want to disable Clock In/Out, simply do this:
schedulable: {
shift: {
canStartShift: {
condition: {
allOrSome: 'all',
selectors: [
field: 'Id',
operator: 'isnull',
value: true, //<== impossible, thus always false
canFinishShift: {
condition: {
allOrSome: 'all',
selectors: [
field: 'Id',
operator: 'isnull',
value: true, //<== impossible, thus always false
You can add additional navigation items to the Candidate WFM app by defining a global schema property navMenuItems that accepts an array
- label - the label of the button
- href - can be a portal page name, a portal event (e.g. @logout event or page name #Index) or external link (must be HTTPS)
- target - when external link is added, the target allows us do define how the new page will be opened
navMenuItems: [
//This will open a portal page with the name Timesheet_Submission
{ label: 'Timesheet', href: '#Timesheet_Submission?contactId=:userId' },
//This will navigate to an external link
{ label: 'Google', href: '', target: '_self' },