Mail Merge and Repeatable Syntax
We have built a templating engine in 3B Sign, 3B Forms and 3B Portals & Mobile Apps that allows developers/system admins to "mail merge" variables directly in the form, document or page.
RecordId: {{record.Id}} //This is the context record
User Id {{contactUser.Id}} //This is the context user (only available in Portals)
//This example assumes Contact as the context record
//The top-level record is always the current record
//You can access the context record's fields using the following syntax
{{record.Name}} //Output: "Zak Effron"
{{record.Account.Name}} //Output: ACME Corp Ltd
//You can also access child records per context
//In this example, a Contact has multiple cases through the relationship "Cases"
//The syntax requires an open and close merge tags ({{#record.Relationship}} and {{/record.Relationship}})
//You can access the current record's case fields like so:
Case Subject: {{Subject}} //Output: My Case Subject
Case Desc: {{Description}} //Output: I have a problem..
Case Last Modified By: {{LastModifiedBy.Name}} //Output: System Admin Name
//You can even extract related records for the current context record
Case Comment Body: {{CommentBody}} // Output: Please log on to the portal...
//You can add any number of child relationships to a document, form or page
Oppy Name: {{Name}} //Output: Oppy Name
Oppy Status: {{StageName}} //Output: Prospecting
The Context Record
The context record is recognised either as the Form context record (from recordId param), the Sign Document's context record (from recordId param) or in portals, it could be either the context user (Contact) or if the page is loaded with a recordId param, then we will use the record passed in the recordId to set the context.
Note: you can only have one context record per page
Child Records
You can add an unlimited number of child records
Grand Child Records
You can traverse down to an unlimited number of levels, so you can get the context record's child records and also the child records for each child record
Parent Record Fields
You can access fields at an unlimited depth (e.g. {{record.Account.ParentAccount.Owner.Name}})
Adding Invalid Child Scope
If you accidentally add an invalid child scope (e.g. the relationship name is mispeled or missing), this is what will happen:
Invalid Child Relationship:
Expected Output:
- Page renders
- Scope is blank
Console error (dev console):
Message: Could not load child related object
Error: Invalid child relationship name InvalidRelationship
Adding Invalid Context Record Field
If you accidentally add an invalid record field, this is what will happen:
Invalid Context Record Field:
Expected Output:
- Page loads
- Blank section where the field was embedded
- No console error will be posted
Adding Invalid Child Scope Field
If you accidentally add an invalid child scope field, this is what will happen:
Invalid Child Record Field
Expected Behaviour:
- Page loads
- Blank space where the field merge tag was added
- No console error will be posted
Conditional Rendering for Fields
User doesn't have first name
Conditional Rendering for Child Records
No Opportunities
Bad Syntax (User Error)
//If you added a child repeatable start tag but forgot to add an end tag
Expected output:
- Page FAILS to load
- Console Error logged:
Error: Unclosed section "record.Opportunities" at 6110
Repeating HTML Content
You can create dynamic components and repeat any HTML content
<th>Case Name</th>
<th>Case Subject</th>
<th>Case Description</th>
<!-- looping cases-->
<!-- add button action -->
<a href="/b3p__Page#CaseDetail?recordId={{Id}}" target="_blank"></a>
<!-- end looping cases-->