Affinda Integration


3B Onboarding introduces an integration with Affinda, an AI-powered resume parsing service. This integration enhances the app's functionality by providing a sophisticated tool for processing and analyzing resumes, beneficial for both system administrators and end users.

Affinda Integration Overview

Affinda utilizes advanced AI algorithms to parse resumes. Its key feature is the ability to learn and improve accuracy over time with each resume it processes. This integration allows for a seamless experience in extracting and organizing data from resumes directly into the 3B Onboarding app.

Setting up Affinda Integration

To set up the Affinda integration, follow these steps:

  1. Global Custom Setting Creation: An administrator must create a global custom setting instance for b3o__Affinda_Settings__c.
  2. Configuration Fields:
    • b3o__Workspace_Id__c
    • b3o__Collection_Id__c
    • b3o__API_Key__c These details are provided by Affinda once a client signs up for their services.
  3. Direct Request: Administrators and system integrators should obtain these configuration details directly from Affinda.

Utilizing the Resume Parser

The integration includes a new Visualforce Page called ResumeParser. This page can be used in the following ways:

  1. URL Parameters: The page accepts a URL parameter conId (the contact id).
  2. Embedding in My Documents: Embed the Affinda Resume Parser page in the My Documents component/page by creating a new Document record against a suitable Document Pack. The record should be of "External Link" type with the "External Link" field set to "/b3o__ResumeParser?conId={0}".
  3. Using the Web Component: Developers can use the new <resume-parser> web component in their code to embed it in custom Visualforce pages, 3B Portals, and elsewhere. The component's footprint is as follows:

The component requires the following static resources:

<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__GeneralUtils, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__ResumeParser, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>

Resume Parsing and Data Mapping

Once the component/page is set up, candidates can upload their resumes, which will be parsed synchronously. Affinda extracts relevant information such as references, employment, and education history and maps it to corresponding objects in the database, linking it to the candidate's record.

Recommended Usage

It's recommended to include 3B Forms documents in the Document Pack to allow candidates to confirm their references, employment, and education history. Since CV parsing is not always 100% accurate, this step ensures data accuracy and completeness.