Scheduler Definition

Revision as of 00:01, 5 December 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The scheduler's definition JSON has the following footprint. == Schedulables == The schedulable defines the object to be scheduled<syntaxhighlight lang="json"> { "schedulables":{ "shift":{ ... } "request": { ... } } } </syntaxhighlight><syntaxhighlight lang="json"> { "schedulables":{ "request":{ "objectType":"b3s__Employee_Request__c", "startFieldPath":"b3s__Start__c",...")
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The scheduler's definition JSON has the following footprint.


The schedulable defines the object to be scheduled

          "request": {
            //SOQL selector
         	//Array of field paths to be loaded
            //Context menu definition
            //Fields to display in the event tooltip
            //Fields to be displayed when creating/editing records
            //Path component definition
            //SOQL selector
            //Array of field paths to be loaded
            //Names of loaders to be passed on to the matching engine
              //Context menu definition
            "pointsField": "b3s__Points__c"