WFM Context

Revision as of 23:20, 4 December 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "App context is important for identifying the context in which the component is embedded, and it is derived from the id URL parameter (auto-populated when the record is embedded in on a record). The context is available in the schema through the ":contextId" syntax. In schedule loaders, the context can be retrieved using the "contextRecordId" global variable. In addition, you can access the currently logged in user via “:contactUserId” or “:userId” which returns t...")
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App context is important for identifying the context in which the component is embedded, and it is derived from the id URL parameter (auto-populated when the record is embedded in on a record). The context is available in the schema through the ":contextId" syntax. In schedule loaders, the context can be retrieved using the "contextRecordId" global variable. In addition, you can access the currently logged in user via “:contactUserId” or “:userId” which returns the logged in user’s id.

Further to this, from version 1.8+, you have access to all of the fields on the contextRecord and the contextUser. This means that you can use the following merge tags in your schedule definitions:

  • :contextId - this will be the contextual record's id.
  • :contactUserId - this will be the contextual user's id.
  • :userId - this will be the contextual user's id.
  • :contextRecord.Id, :contextRecord.AccountId, etc - this will extract the first level fields from the context record
  • :contextUser.Id, :contextUser.Name, etc - this will extract the first level fields from the context user
  • :contextDate - available for action forms, this will be the start date of the schedulable record

Data Loaders

Data loaders will inherit the following global variables which you can use to filter out relevant records with:


Component / Schedule Definition

You can use merge contexts in the definitions file like so:

    schedulable: {
        expense: {
            objectType: 'b3s__Expense__c',
            startFieldPath: 'b3s__Date_of_Expense__c',
            endFieldPath: 'b3s__Date_of_Expense__c',
            selectionClause: ['b3s__Contact__c = :contextRecord.Id'],
            contactFieldPath: 'b3s__Contact__c',
            lookBackLimitDays: 14,
            lookForwardLimitDays: 14,
            recordFormFields: [
                    field: 'b3s__Date_of_Expense__c',
                    labelOverride: 'Date of Expense',
                    type: 'field-date-input',
                    default: ':contextDate',
                    required: true,
                    disabled: false,
                    field: 'b3s__Contact__c',
                    type: 'field-select',
                    required: false,
                    disabled: true,
                    default: ':contextUser.Id',
                    loader: 'contacts',
                    optionLabelField: 'Name',