Sample for Candidate Presentation

Revision as of 06:37, 6 December 2023 by Zakr (talk | contribs) (Image update)


This article is only a sample on how to achieve custom filtering within 3B Documents.

SOQL Filtering Using URL Parameters

3B Documents allows you to filter child repeatable sections by adding an SOQL query to the chosen section.

Creating SOQL Filter

To do this, first click on the repeatable section within the document. This will show the SOQL input at the bottom:

SOQL Query Input

Start the SOQL query with the field you want to filter by (in this case 'Id'). Use the 'IN' keyword then within brackets add the following:


Choose a suitable name for the filter (something related to the repeatable section) The final query should look similar to this:

Id IN ({})
SOQL Query Repeatable Section

Make sure to click the save icon next the query input, and also save the document.

Adding URL Parameters Manually

The filter described above can be added to a document url manually like this:


Which will result in the custom SOQL query looking like this (in the background):

Id IN ('123exampleId','456exampleId')

When the document is loaded, the repeatable section will now only show records that have Id's contained within the custom SOQL query.