Job Board Component
This component renders ATS jobs posted to a provided job board.
3B Portals Compatibility
This component is fully compatible with 3B Portals
Set Up
From version 3.4+, a Job object must have a Job Boards multi-select field. We will only render jobs that match the Job Boards field value on the job. Furthermore, the options in the new multi-select field must match the Names of the Job Board (b3o__Job_Board__c) records in the system. So, if you set the Job Boards field with the options "Default", "Site 1" and "Site 2", you must also have three Job Board records named "Default", "Site 1" and "Site 2".
When creating a Job Board record in the system, please set the following fields:
- Job Post Link (b3o__Job_Post_Link__c) - this is a template link telling the Job Board component where to re-direct the user when they click on a Job Post. A valid value is https://.../JobPost?id={0}. The {0} param will be merged with either the Job Id or the Job Reference
Drag and drop the component on any page. You can customize the component properties from the Traits Manager.
Visualforce Pages
You can embed the component component in a Visualforce Page using the following syntax:
<!-- Load Supporting Components and Global Functions -->
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__GeneralUtils, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>
<!-- This Component -->
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__JobBoardResources, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>
<script src="{!URLFOR($Resource.b3o__JobPostResources, 'index.js')}" defer="true" type="module"></script>
const globals = {
sessionId: '{!GETSESSIONID()}',
siteUrl: '{!$Site.baseUrl}',
useREST: false,
router: b3o.GlobalRemotingRouter
window['globals'] = globals;
External Websites
You can embed the component component in a wordpress/custom sites using the following syntax:
<!-- Make sure to point the beginning of the URL to your guest site endpoint -->
<!-- Load Supporting Components and Global Functions -->
<script src=".../b3o__GeneralUtils/index.js" defer="true" type="module"></script>
<!-- This Component -->
<script src=".../b3o__JobBoardResources/index.js" defer="true" type="module"></script>
<script src=".../b3o__JobPostResources/index.js" defer="true" type="module"></script>
const globals = {
siteUrl: '.../Onboarding/',
useREST: true
window['globals'] = globals;
Options and ATS Config
- user-id - this is the contact id. Required
- job-board-name - we will match the value provided in this attribute against the defined Job Boards field value on the Job object
- default-search-radius - defaults to 10
- places-api-key - not set by default
- job-object-name = 'b3o__Job__c' - the job object name
- job-app-schema = 'b3o__Application__c:b3o__Job__c:b3o__Candidate__c' - the app schema - Application Object Name : Job Object Name : Merge Field Name from App -> Job
- site-coordinates-path = 'b3o__Site__r.b3o__Coordinates__c' - for radius search, this is the coordinates of the job
- job-board-path = 'b3o__Job_Boards__c' - the job boards multi-select field
- job-title-path = 'b3o__Job_Advert_Title__c'
- job-short-path = 'b3o__Job_Post_Short_Description__c'
- job-body-path = 'b3o__Job_Post_Body__c'
- job-foot-path = 'b3o__Job_Post_Footer__c'
- job-featured-path = 'b3o__Featured_Job__c'
- job-posted-path = 'b3o__Date_Posted__c'
- siteFieldPath = 'b3o__Site__c'
- site-name-path = 'b3o__Site__r.b3o__Public_Name__c'
- job-type-path = 'b3o__Job_Type__r.Name'
- job-type-field-path = 'b3o__Job_Type__c'
- employment-type-path = 'b3o__Employment_Type__c'
- pay-info-path = 'b3o__Pay_Information__c'
- job-ref-path = 'b3o__Job_ID__c'
- job-expiry-path = 'b3o__Available_Until__c'
- job-reg-form-path = 'b3o__Registration_Form__c'
- job-app-form-path = 'b3o__Application_Form__c'
- job-app-btn-label-path = 'b3o__Apply_Button_Text__c'
- job-doc-pack-path = 'b3o__Document_Pack__c'
Note: for attributes that are not documented, please see the 3B Job object's fields.
URL Params
userId or just id - the contact id (optional)
Note that attributes will always override URL params and you can mix and match