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(Created page with "== Introduction == This article teaches admins how to utilize the 3B Charts component for embedding charts in a Digital Experience or Record Detail Page. 3B created the component due to the fact that Salesforce requires an additional, more expensive license in order to embed Charts and Dashboards on a community. This component implements custom SOQL queries that are turned into beautiful charts using ChartJS javascript Framework == Digital Experience / Record Page == ...")
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=== Embedding ===
=== Embedding ===
In the App Builder, a new custom component will be available called "Chart Builder". Similarly, in the digital experience builder, the same component will be made available. Administrators need to drag and drop that component onto a page or record.
In the App Builder, a new custom component will be available called "Chart Builder". Similarly, in the digital experience builder, the same component will be made available. Administrators need to drag and drop that component onto a page or record.
=== Sample SOQL ===
SELECT b3o__Type__c label, COUNT(Id) value FROM b3o__Chat_Message__c GROUP BY b3o__Type__c - this renders a doughnut chart that shows how many inbound messages were received vs how many outbound messages were recieved. Since we group by Type, the legend and dataset will display as Inbound and Outbound
== Component Properties ==

=== Configuring ===
=== Configuring ===
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The Charts component has been created with reactivity as a key point. All the attributes of the different components are reactive to changes, what means, that any change that you perform on real time (for example, the scale or the source data) will automatically fire an update event on the chart.
The Charts component has been created with reactivity as a key point. All the attributes of the different components are reactive to changes, what means, that any change that you perform on real time (for example, the scale or the source data) will automatically fire an update event on the chart.

=== Sample SOQL ===
=== Properties ===
SELECT b3o__Type__c label, COUNT(Id) value FROM b3o__Chat_Message__c GROUP BY b3o__Type__c - this renders a doughnut chart that shows how many inbound messages were received vs how many outbound messages were recieved. Since we group by Type, the legend and dataset will display as Inbound and Outbound
{| class="wikitable"
|Define the chart type
|Picklist (line, bar, radar, doughnut, pie, polarArea, bubble, scatter)
|Define the chart title
|Legend Position
|Define where the legend will be displayed
|Picklist (top, bottom, right, left)
|CSS Style
|Provide inline custom css style for chart container
|<code>position: relative; margin: auto;</code>
|Color palette to use
|Choose the slds color palette to use
|Picklist (default, colorsafe, light, bluegrass, sunrise, water, watermelon)
|Fill the chart ?
|Check this property fo fill the chart
|Dataset Labels
|Display the label for each values set in the dataset in a JSON array of string
|JSON Array []
|<code>["Label 1", "Label 2", ...]</code>
|Define the chart values in a JSON array of object
|JSON Array []
|<code>[{"labels":"Data 1", "detail":[1, 1]},{"labels":"Data 2", "detail":[2, 2]},...]</code>
|Define a SOQL to be used to fetch the data (only aggregate query). Use label alias for the label and value alias for the value
|<code>SELECT StageName label, SUM(Amount) value FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED GROUP BY StageName LIMIT 10</code>
|Custom Data Provider
|Define the Custom Data Provider class hander name to fetch the data. It must extends "ChartDataProvider"
==== Focus on the "Dataset" Property ====
This property is used to display static content.
Provide the JSON object you want to display.
Use this property to get fast at prototyping and to show case final render.
==== Focus on the "SOQL" Property ====
This property is used to execute a query to gather data from the server.
The SOQL query must respect those constraints :
* having a <code>label</code> alias in order to set the label of the data.
* having a <code>value</code> alias in order to set the values of the data.
* grouping the record by a field
* having a <code>limit</code> statement (optional)
* having the <code>WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED</code> statement (optional)
The query accept to use <code>:recordId</code> string placeholder and will replace this with the actual record Id if the component is placed on an object page.
IMPORTANT: The radar, bubble and scatter charts are not currently supported to work with the SOQL property. If you need to create a chart of one of these types, please use a JSON structure or check the API Documentation.
Example of a well formed query for a Component placed on an account page :
<code>SELECT StageName label, SUM(Amount) value FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false AND AccountId = :recordId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED GROUP BY StageName LIMIT 10</code>
==== Focus on the "Custom Data Provider" Property ====
This property is used to execute custom apex handler to provide data.
The class provided must extend the class <code>ChartDataProvider</code>.
The lwc component will pass to the class the recordId (if on an object page)
IMPORTANT: The radar, bubble and scatter charts are not currently supported to work with a Custom Data Provider.

== Chart API ==
== Chart API ==
Line 501: Line 597:
== Custom Apex Data Providers ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="java">
global inherited sharing class DemoDataProvider extends ChartDataProvider {
  * @description Not used for this class
  * @param initParameter Object
  public override void init(final Object initParameter) {
    // TODO
  * @description return the data
  * @return List<ChartData> the list of chart data needed to display the graph
  public override List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData> getData() {
    final List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData> chartDatas = new List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData>();
    ChartDataProvider.ChartData aChartData = new ChartDataProvider.ChartData();
    aChartData.labels = DEMO_LABEL;
    aChartData.detail = DEMO_DATA;
    aChartData.bgColor = DEMO_COLOR;
    return chartDatas;
  public static final List<String> DEMO_LABEL = new List<String>{ '' };
  public static final List<Decimal> DEMO_DATA = new List<Decimal>{
  public static final String DEMO_COLOR = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5);';

Revision as of 11:19, 6 December 2023


This article teaches admins how to utilize the 3B Charts component for embedding charts in a Digital Experience or Record Detail Page. 3B created the component due to the fact that Salesforce requires an additional, more expensive license in order to embed Charts and Dashboards on a community. This component implements custom SOQL queries that are turned into beautiful charts using ChartJS javascript Framework

Digital Experience / Record Page

Example of 3B Charts in a Digital Experience context

Security Architecture

Embedding 3B Charts requires that the administrator builds a security mechanism using Profiles, Permission Sets, Sharing Rules and Sharing Sets. These control what data flows to a 3B Chart. It is the responsibility of the administrator to set up an appropriate security architecture.


In the App Builder, a new custom component will be available called "Chart Builder". Similarly, in the digital experience builder, the same component will be made available. Administrators need to drag and drop that component onto a page or record.

Sample SOQL

SELECT b3o__Type__c label, COUNT(Id) value FROM b3o__Chat_Message__c GROUP BY b3o__Type__c - this renders a doughnut chart that shows how many inbound messages were received vs how many outbound messages were recieved. Since we group by Type, the legend and dataset will display as Inbound and Outbound

Component Properties


Once embedded, the App Builder side panel (or digital experience pop-up panel) will render the fields that need to be populated in order to render the chart.

There are 4 main types of components

  • Chart
  • Data
  • Attributes
  • Axes

Chart components define the element hosting the canvas, gathering the attributes and the data, and includes all the functionality of available to build a Chart using Chart.js. This component is responsible of dealing with the rendering lifecycle and also handles child events for the elements connected inside it.

Data components represent the source of data to put into the chart.

Attribute components define the different options that can be included to customize the chart. From animations to tooltip configurations, the attributes expose different properties to be filled with objects or callback functions.

Axes components allow you to determine how the data is mapped and represented inside the chart and their different scales.


The Charts component has been created with reactivity as a key point. All the attributes of the different components are reactive to changes, what means, that any change that you perform on real time (for example, the scale or the source data) will automatically fire an update event on the chart.


Type Define the chart type Picklist (line, bar, radar, doughnut, pie, polarArea, bubble, scatter)
Title Define the chart title String
Legend Position Define where the legend will be displayed Picklist (top, bottom, right, left)
CSS Style Provide inline custom css style for chart container String position: relative; margin: auto;
Color palette to use Choose the slds color palette to use Picklist (default, colorsafe, light, bluegrass, sunrise, water, watermelon)
Fill the chart ? Check this property fo fill the chart Boolean
Dataset Labels Display the label for each values set in the dataset in a JSON array of string JSON Array [] ["Label 1", "Label 2", ...]
Dataset Define the chart values in a JSON array of object JSON Array [] [{"labels":"Data 1", "detail":[1, 1]},{"labels":"Data 2", "detail":[2, 2]},...]
SOQL Define a SOQL to be used to fetch the data (only aggregate query). Use label alias for the label and value alias for the value String SELECT StageName label, SUM(Amount) value FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED GROUP BY StageName LIMIT 10
Custom Data Provider Define the Custom Data Provider class hander name to fetch the data. It must extends "ChartDataProvider" String MyCustomChartDataProvider

Focus on the "Dataset" Property

This property is used to display static content.

Provide the JSON object you want to display.

Use this property to get fast at prototyping and to show case final render.

Focus on the "SOQL" Property

This property is used to execute a query to gather data from the server.

The SOQL query must respect those constraints :

  • having a label alias in order to set the label of the data.
  • having a value alias in order to set the values of the data.
  • grouping the record by a field
  • having a limit statement (optional)
  • having the WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED statement (optional)

The query accept to use :recordId string placeholder and will replace this with the actual record Id if the component is placed on an object page.

IMPORTANT: The radar, bubble and scatter charts are not currently supported to work with the SOQL property. If you need to create a chart of one of these types, please use a JSON structure or check the API Documentation.

Example of a well formed query for a Component placed on an account page :

SELECT StageName label, SUM(Amount) value FROM Opportunity WHERE IsClosed = false AND AccountId = :recordId WITH SECURITY_ENFORCED GROUP BY StageName LIMIT 10

Focus on the "Custom Data Provider" Property

This property is used to execute custom apex handler to provide data.

The class provided must extend the class ChartDataProvider.

The lwc component will pass to the class the recordId (if on an object page)

IMPORTANT: The radar, bubble and scatter charts are not currently supported to work with a Custom Data Provider.

Chart API

type string bar The type of chart. The options are: line, bar, horizontalBar, radar, doughnut, pie, polarArea, bubble and scatter
uuid string A random uuid UUID used to identify uniquely the chart
chartjsloadedCallback function Called when Chartjs is loaded.
canvasOnchange function Allows to define a callback for an event (parameter) of type change binded to the canvas.
canvasOnclick function Allows to define a callback for an event (parameter) of type click binded to the canvas.
canvasOnmouseover function Allows to define a callback for an event (parameter) of type mouseover binded to the canvas.
canvasOnmouseout function Allows to define a callback for an event (parameter) of type mouseout binded to the canvas.
responsive boolean true Resizes the chart canvas when its container does (important note...).
responsiveanimationduration number 0 Duration in milliseconds it takes to animate to new size after a resize event.
maintainaspectratio boolean true Maintain the original canvas aspect ratio (width / height) when resizing.
aspectratio number 2 Canvas aspect ratio (i.e. width / height, a value of 1 representing a square canvas). Note that this option is ignored if the height is explicitly defined either as attribute or via the style.
callbackResize function Called when a resize occurs. Gets passed two arguments: the chart instance and the new size.
devicepixelratio number window.devicePixelRatio Override the window`s default devicePixelRatio.
events string[] ['mousemove', 'mouseout', 'click', 'touchstart', 'touchmove'] The events option defines the browser events that the chart should listen to for tooltips and hovering. more...
callbackClick function null Called when any of the events fire. Called in the context of the chart and passed the event and an array of active elements (bars, points, etc).
callbackHover function null Called if the event is of type mouseup or click. Called in the context of the chart and passed the event and an array of active elements.
destroyChart function Use this to destroy any chart instances that are created. This will clean up any references stored to the chart object within Chart.js, along with any associated event listeners attached by Chart.js. This must be called before the canvas is reused for a new chart.
updateChart(duration, lazy) function Triggers an update of the chart. This can be safely called after updating the data object. This will update all scales, legends, and then re-render the chart. A config object can be provided with additional configuration for the update process. This is useful when update is manually called inside an event handler and some different animation is desired. See Updating Charts for more details.
resetChart function Reset the chart to it's state before the initial animation. A new animation can then be triggered using update.
renderChart(config) function Triggers a redraw of all chart elements. Note, this does not update elements for new data. Use .update() in that case. See .update(config) for more details on the config object.
stopChart function Use this to stop any current animation loop. This will pause the chart during any current animation frame. Call .render() to re-animate.
resizeChart function Use this to manually resize the canvas element. This is run each time the canvas container is resized, but you can call this method manually if you change the size of the canvas nodes container element.
clearChart function Will clear the chart canvas. Used extensively internally between animation frames, but you might find it useful.
toBase64ImageChart function This returns a base 64 encoded string of the chart in it's current state.
generateLegendChart function Returns an HTML string of a legend for that chart. The legend is generated from the legendCallback in the options.
getElementAtEventChart(event) function Calling getElementAtEvent(event) on your Chart instance passing an argument of an event, or jQuery event, will return the single element at the event position. If there are multiple items within range, only the first is returned. The value returned from this method is an array with a single parameter. An array is used to keep a consistent API between the get*AtEvent methods.
getElementsAtEventChart(event) function Looks for the element under the event point, then returns all elements at the same data index. This is used internally for 'label' mode highlighting Calling getElementsAtEvent(event) on your Chart instance passing an argument of an event, or jQuery event, will return the point elements that are at that the same position of that event.
getDatasetAtEventChart(event) function Looks for the element under the event point, then returns all elements from that dataset. This is used internally for 'dataset' mode highlighting
getDatasetMetaChart(index) function Looks for the dataset that matches the current index and returns that metadata. This returned data has all of the metadata that is used to construct the chart. The data property of the metadata will contain information about each point, rectangle, etc. depending on the chart type. Extensive examples of usage are available in the Chart.js tests.
<c-chart type="bar" responsive="true">


Data API

backgroundColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The bar background color. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
borderAlign string 'center' The border alignment ('center' or 'inner') Doughnut, Pie, Polar area
borderCapStyle string 'butt' Cap style of the line Line, Radar
borderColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The bar border color. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
borderDash number[] [] Length and spacing of dashes. Line, Radar
borderDashOffset number 0 Offset for line dashes. Line, Radar
borderJoinStyle string 'miter' Line joint style. Line, Radar
borderSkipped string 'bottom' This setting is used to avoid drawing the bar stroke at the base of the fill ('bottom', 'left', 'top', 'right', false) Bar
borderWidth number 3 The bar border width (in pixels). Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
clip number/object borderWidth / 2 How to clip relative to chartArea. Positive value allows overflow, negative value clips that many pixels inside chartArea. 0 = clip at chartArea. Clipping can also be configured per side: clip: {left: 5, top: false, right: -2, bottom: 0} Line
cubicInterpolationMode string 'default' The following interpolation modes are supported: ('default, 'monotone') Line
detail (required) object[] An array containing the data to be displayed in the chart All
fill boolean/string true Whether to fill the area under the line Line, Radar
hitRadius number 1 Bubble additional radius for hit detection (in pixels). Bubble
hoverBackgroundColor Color undefined Background color when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverBorderCapStyle string undefined Cap style of the line when hovered Line, Radar
hoverBorderColor Color undefined Border color when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverBorderDash number[] undefined Length and spacing of dashes when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderDashOffset number undefined Offset for line dashes when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderJoinStyle string undefined Line joint style when hovered. Line, Radar
hoverBorderWidth number undefined The bar border width (in pixels) when hovered. Line, Bar, Radar, Doughnut, Pie, Polar area, Bubble
hoverRadius number 4 Bubble additional radius when hovered (in pixels). Bubble
label string '' The label for the dataset which appears in the legend and tooltips. Line, Bar, Radar, Bubble
lineTension number 0.4 Bezier curve tension of the line. Set to 0 to draw straightlines. This option is ignored if monotone cubic interpolation is used. Line, Radar
order number 0 The drawing order of dataset. Also affects order for stacking, tooltip, and legend. Line, Bar, Radar, Bubble
pointBackgroundColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The fill color for points. Line, Radar
pointBorderColor Color 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)' The border color for points. Line, Radar
pointBorderWidth number 1 The width of the point border in pixels. Line, Radar
pointHitRadius number 1 The pixel size of the non-displayed point that reacts to mouse events. Line, Radar
pointHoverBackgroundColor Color undefined The bar background color when hovered. Line, Radar
pointHoverBorderColor Color undefined The bar border color when hovered. Line, Radar
pointHoverBorderWidth number 1 The bar border width when hovered (in pixels). Line, Radar
pointHoverRadius number 4 The radius of the point when hovered. Line, Radar
pointRadius number 3 The radius of the point shape. If set to 0, the point is not rendered. Line, Radar
pointRotation number 0 The rotation of the point in degrees. Line, Radar
pointStyle string/Image 'circle' Style of the point. Line, Radar, Bubble
radius number 3 Bubble radius (in pixels). Bubble
rotation number 0 Bubble rotation (in degrees). Bubble
showLine boolean undefined If false, the line is not drawn for this dataset. Line
spanGaps boolean undefined If true, lines will be drawn between points with no or null data. If false, points with NaN data will create a break in the line. Line, Radar
stack string undefined The ID of the group to which this dataset belongs to (when stacked, each group will be a separate stack). Bar
steppedLine boolean/string false The following values are supported for steppedLine: (false, true, 'before', 'after', 'middle') Line
weight number 1 The relative thickness of the dataset. Providing a value for weight will cause the pie or doughnut dataset to be drawn with a thickness relative to the sum of all the dataset weight values. Doughnut, Pie
xAxisID string first x axis The ID of the x axis to plot this dataset on. Line, Bar
yAxisID string first y axis The ID of the y axis to plot this dataset on. Line, Bar
      detail="[28, 48, 40, 19, 96, 27, 100]"

Dataset API

labels string[] Contains the list of labels that will be represented by the data, this means, the main grops
  <c-dataset labels='["Blue", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Light Blue", "Purple"]'>

Custom Apex Data Providers

global inherited sharing class DemoDataProvider extends ChartDataProvider {
   * @description Not used for this class
   * @param initParameter Object
  public override void init(final Object initParameter) {
    // TODO

   * @description return the data
   * @return List<ChartData> the list of chart data needed to display the graph
  public override List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData> getData() {
    final List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData> chartDatas = new List<ChartDataProvider.ChartData>();
    ChartDataProvider.ChartData aChartData = new ChartDataProvider.ChartData();
    aChartData.labels = DEMO_LABEL;
    aChartData.detail = DEMO_DATA;
    aChartData.bgColor = DEMO_COLOR;
    return chartDatas;

  public static final List<String> DEMO_LABEL = new List<String>{ '' };
  public static final List<Decimal> DEMO_DATA = new List<Decimal>{
  public static final String DEMO_COLOR = 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5);';

3B Portals